Pasta Puttanesca

Think different


明け方 詩を書いた。


  You seeing me front of you, that's not me. 

I'm invisible but you can feel me. 

Maybe you can see me too but not this physical body. 

So you try looking at me from behind me, walking with swinging hip.

That's not my hip either. 


So which me do you like? and which me have you been craving for?

I'm not in this body that you just hugged and kissed. 

That's just trillions cells gathering together and works with out my order.

It will decompose when time comes but will happen with our my order. 


All of sensations are hormonal. Once input that very first experience in 

memory system, we react automatic after all. 

Thus, who is me and who is you?

It's not you are the one falling love,

it's not me waiting for some one to stroke my naked body. 

And we are not this money system either!

We are all living in our inside head call "life".

Every one creating own drama.


Our evolution is nothing to do with our emotions but gravity and sun light.

If you ever attracted me maybe because I'm like sun light or had strong gravity than you. 

When secrets are unfold, we no linger go back to old belief system.

That's call "evolution".

If I ever fall in intimacy relationship, that's because I'm faking my self.

I'm here for limited time and my purpose is to "evolve" as species.

Rest of the things leave in behind.